Sunday, June 24, 2007

I dun wanna grow up....

Remember when we were young, when met by older people, be it relatives, teachers or strangers and more often than not, our own parents? This question ...kind of pop out of their mouth..."dah besar nak jadi apa?" naturally...remember???

Well, my kids ...obviously had experienced the same magic question....

When Izzat was young..probably about 7-8 years old, I remember very well of his ambition..a surgeon that is....why he chose that profession?...well...he came to me at one particular day asking....

"Mama, Abah kerja aper?"
"Abah is a Quantity Surveyor"
"Apa tu Mama?"

So I explained in lengthy about then job...well based on my understanding la...
"Mana kerja yang lebih banyak duit Mama?"

So I told him a few professions where the income is more luxurious...compared to what Abah is currently doing, such as surgeon, gynaecologist etc. Basically I merely mentioned all medical related professions....well based on my knowledge, most of the "pakar" in private hospitals earn paling basic pun a 6-figures annually. So dan-dan on that moment onwards his ambition was to be a surgeon..thanks to me & my lengthy explanations.

I could still remember....there was one day..he came back from school looking sour in the face....telling me that his teacher had written in his BM book on karangan about "Diri Saya". The teacher had slashed on the word "sergen" written as his ambition and replaced it with "Sarjan Polis". He told me " Cikgu ni tak paham la Mama..Izzat nak jadi surgeon bukannya Sarjan Polis".

Then when I went to look at the karangan....ha..ha..ha..aku ketawa bagai nak pengsan...sampai keluar air mata...rupa2nyer, the teacher was merely correcting his spelling for sergen (surgeon) mistaking it for sarjan...siap tambah polis lagi....kah..kah..kah... ialah...kan BM class....mana ader perkataan sergen dlm kamus...eja pun tak betul...that was the joke of the year!!!!!It never failed to make everyone laughs everytime I told my friends about it....

Well that was 3-4 years, his ambition has changed several times. Sekejap nak jadi Historian la....(after reading "Alexander the Great") and then ...Archaeologist..(after reading "The Ancient Egypt" and other books yg sewaktu dgn nya) Lately nih...asyik nak jadi Scientist lah .....nak jadi Inventor la... tah apa-apa lagi....whatever lah Izzat....most importantly belajar rajin2 dulu ok...

Sofea,in the other hand.....wanna be a nurse...a nurse!!!Can u believe it?...Well not that I don't like the profession... It just that ....why not ambitious enough ???..why not Doctor? afterall, 90% of the children wanna be a Doctor when they grow up...tak caya ?? tanya lah mana2 budak pun...mesti bagi jawapan skema...."dah besar nak jadi Doktor"

I ask her "Apasal nak jadi nurse?"
" Gavin (her classmate in kindie) wants to be Doctor, Sofea nak tolong jaga orang sakit, bagi makan ubat, lepas tu ikut Gavin jumpa orang sakit kat bilik dia. Nanti Sofea kena bawak injection dan ubat, Mama"

I was like "Ohhhhh" sigh....

After sometimes I found out that she was rehearsing for a school play for the annual concert...phew!!!! selamat...Well she did drags the ambition for a little later....then when she finally entered Std 1 till now....sticking to be a Doctor...

At least she does sticks to it....unlike Izzat....nak jadi apa entah lepas nih....God knows...

Adib pulak......entah mana cartoon ke, movie ke, he'd watched...when prompted with that question??? Know what he's answer????

"I DUN WANNA GROW UP" muahahahah....

Monday, June 18, 2007

So relax....

Gosh!!!...since the school hol till yesterday my kids did nothing but relax sakan!!!!!!Our relax means I did not sit with them after school to monitor them doing their h/work and exercise books. And they in return spent most of their free time watching Astro, play games & surfing ....apart from their other paid activities such as Kafa, Ngaji, Piano, Mental Aritm, swim & tuitions for Izzat.

Reason being....I'm still tired to start anything with regards to their study...I haven't got the plan yet on what topics or subjects that I want them to do. I am still very very tired from the d travels and activities during the 2 weeks school hol. Furthermore, my kids haven't started their lessons yet as they were busy preparing for the Sports Day which was held last Fri 15 June. So I pun join sekaki le relax....which I needed very much...

Sofea insisted that she didn't want to go school from Tues last week till the Sports Day. Reason being...tak belajar and most of the teachers were busy with the event. The fact that she did not take part in the event adds to her boringness. Some of her friends yg tak involved , tak datang lansung for almost a week. I don't understand the school system nowadays...I tot they have groups events where everyone is involved. Ni...some of the students were not taking part at all (that.. included Sofea)...funny....during my school time dulu, we always looking forward for our Sports Day. Everyone was involved either in group or individual...

In my opinion, whether the pupils terror lari or not, they should be included so barulah meriah then takder lah murid2 yang ponteng... sigh...

Izzat recently asked me whether I can bring him for horse riding (hr) lesson that I promised him long ago. I used to plan to take them for hr lessons in Bkt Kiara Eq, when I was still working as it it near my offc. Nih dah jadi fulltime h/wife n live in far end of S.Alam...camner nak pergi??? Any suggestion tak where I can find hr lesson nearby S.Alam's area?? something affordable ( dah tak keje nih...)so I can bring him over the weekends when Abah is busy golfing.

Adib's asthma attacks has become more frequent lately. With weather so unpredictable ...sekejap hujan...sekejap panas....makin menjadi le...Nih for few days, asyik hujan malam aje...lagi la memangkinkan ...Can wait to start him the swimming lessons in the hope to reduce d attack. My first 2 (Izzat & Sofea) seldom get cough or phlegm. Credits to the swimming lessons that they had had since the age of 5. I guess it really helped. Adib will turn 5 only in Oct means I can only start his lessons start Jan 08. That's the condition set by the club's instructor...whatever la...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Life so hectic.......

We finally decided to balik kampong (Abah's side in Penang) after a couple of thoughts. It wasn't bad after all. Yes my kids had to skip some of the classes ...nah...what the heck!! The journey was smooth. I cooked & packed a few bungkus of Nasi Lemak for our breakfast at one of the R&R. Nak harap R&R punyer ...tak selera lah ....

I brought one of my nephews(Daniel) with us. Daniel is my bro's son, a regular during school hols. Anyway, in Penang, we went to Bukit Bendera (I've been married to a Penangite for the past 15 years and we've never been there ha..ha..ha) We went to the beach for the kids to main ombak, watch Shrek3 and shop le....Hectic tak boleh nak kata....

I don't know why, but lately nih I tend to get tired easily. Maybe my age is cathing up??? don't know...maybe partly...Nak kata tak ambil supplement ...ada ambil...I go to gym at least 3-4 times a week. Afterall I'm just 36 yrs old, tak lah tua sangat...Heran la....tired aje badan nih...dah lah siang takleh tidur as I tend to get severe headache if I sleep during daytime.

Then on the way back, went straight to fetch Mak n a niece for a few days stay at my house. Then later my sis n family with 3 kids came over for a few days too. Memang tak sempat nak rest after the Penang journey. Hectic sangat. Bila dah reramai tuh rumah pun cam kapal karam. Nasib baik my sis took over breakfast, so I just prepare lunch, tea n dinner (a simple one aje).

After they left, my sis on late Thurs n Mak on late Friday, then only I get to kemas the house. Only the children's rooms n the family room aje yg sepah, what do U expect? there were 7 children n all berebut nak main computer games la, x-box la, nak watch Dvds....fenin kepala Bibik I....What to do, my house memang dah biasa jadi camping site for my nieces & nephews during school hols. I think sebab I nih tak kesah sangat....memang suka layan kids pun happy coz ada ramai kawan.

Tapi penatnyer sampai hari nih...dah bukak sekolah pulak tuh...dah penat lain pulak...start jadi chauffeur my kids balik la..Agaknyer bilalah boleh relax erk??? Dulu masa kerja penat lain...ingat dah jadi housewife boleh relax sikit....tak juga...makin penat ada la...ok...I got to pen down now....need to rest...n bloghop pulak....cheers!!!