Remember when we were young, when met by older people, be it relatives, teachers or strangers and more often than not, our own parents? This question ...kind of pop out of their mouth..."dah besar nak jadi apa?" naturally...remember???
Well, my kids ...obviously had experienced the same magic question....
When Izzat was young..probably about 7-8 years old, I remember very well of his ambition..a surgeon that is....why he chose that profession?...well...he came to me at one particular day asking....
"Mama, Abah kerja aper?"
"Abah is a Quantity Surveyor"
"Apa tu Mama?"
So I explained in lengthy about then job...well based on my understanding la...
"Mana kerja yang lebih banyak duit Mama?"
So I told him a few professions where the income is more luxurious...compared to what Abah is currently doing, such as surgeon, gynaecologist etc. Basically I merely mentioned all medical related professions....well based on my knowledge, most of the "pakar" in private hospitals earn paling basic pun a 6-figures annually. So dan-dan on that moment onwards his ambition was to be a surgeon..thanks to me & my lengthy explanations.
I could still remember....there was one day..he came back from school looking sour in the face....telling me that his teacher had written in his BM book on karangan about "Diri Saya". The teacher had slashed on the word "sergen" written as his ambition and replaced it with "Sarjan Polis". He told me " Cikgu ni tak paham la Mama..Izzat nak jadi surgeon bukannya Sarjan Polis".
Then when I went to look at the karangan....ha..ha..ha..aku ketawa bagai nak pengsan...sampai keluar air mata...rupa2nyer, the teacher was merely correcting his spelling for sergen (surgeon) mistaking it for sarjan...siap tambah polis lagi....kah..kah..kah... ialah...kan BM class....mana ader perkataan sergen dlm kamus...eja pun tak betul...that was the joke of the year!!!!!It never failed to make everyone laughs everytime I told my friends about it....
Well that was 3-4 years, his ambition has changed several times. Sekejap nak jadi Historian la....(after reading "Alexander the Great") and then ...Archaeologist..(after reading "The Ancient Egypt" and other books yg sewaktu dgn nya) Lately nih...asyik nak jadi Scientist lah .....nak jadi Inventor la... tah apa-apa lagi....whatever lah Izzat....most importantly belajar rajin2 dulu ok...
Sofea,in the other hand.....wanna be a nurse...a nurse!!!Can u believe it?...Well not that I don't like the profession... It just that ....why not ambitious enough ???..why not Doctor? afterall, 90% of the children wanna be a Doctor when they grow up...tak caya ?? tanya lah mana2 budak pun...mesti bagi jawapan skema...."dah besar nak jadi Doktor"
I ask her "Apasal nak jadi nurse?"
" Gavin (her classmate in kindie) wants to be Doctor, Sofea nak tolong jaga orang sakit, bagi makan ubat, lepas tu ikut Gavin jumpa orang sakit kat bilik dia. Nanti Sofea kena bawak injection dan ubat, Mama"
I was like "Ohhhhh" sigh....
After sometimes I found out that she was rehearsing for a school play for the annual concert...phew!!!! selamat...Well she did drags the ambition for a little later....then when she finally entered Std 1 till now....sticking to be a Doctor...
At least she does sticks to it....unlike Izzat....nak jadi apa entah lepas nih....God knows...
Adib pulak......entah mana cartoon ke, movie ke, he'd watched...when prompted with that question??? Know what he's answer????
"I DUN WANNA GROW UP" muahahahah....
Sunday, June 24, 2007
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Anastassia nak jadi Paedetrician. Puteri mula2 nak jadi nurse, I slow talk dgn dia, dia tukar nak jadi doctor (hehe) and zaryff nak jadi ambulance driver.
Masa Helena kecik dulu2, I wanted to become a soldier, sebab nak bergelumang dgn lumpur.
Ha ha ha so kelakar nyer Zariff nak jadi ambulance driver. Do U realise that whatever their ambitions are, still its medically related.....
Soldier??? huh!!! nih mesti kes tomboy nih.....betul tak? he he he
hehehe....dulu anak sulong kak lady bila ditanya nak jadi apa...dia kata nak jadi orang yang kalau nenek naik bas...nenek bagi duit dia bagi nenek tiket...hahahaha....boleh caya ke?
izz, eh i didnt realize that tau, all medical related. I guess its because my dad was always in and out of the hospital kut....
yes, i was a tomboy. Dad wanted a son, and when i came out, well.... hehe my toys dulu were only guns, swords and cars. My first doll pun masa umur 6 tahun.....
Kak Lady,
Smartlah anak U coz she/he can explain what she/he wants to be by givin details of the job funtion, tapi nama job tuh dia tak tahu nak sebut..he..he..
Actually ...seronok kalau dengar budak2 nih explain ..what they wanna be when the grow up...kadang2 jawapan diaorang, kita pun tak pernah terfikir...
I was also a tomboy dulu...funny kan coz nowadays we hardly see girls yang tomboy cam zaman kita dulu...Zaman kita dulu it was a very common sight..takat nak main ngan boys & dressed up like..u can see everywhere...but the girls now dress so girly..full of pink colours, floral, then siap ngan nice hair clips( of course, pink), very beady sandals plus ada hand bags lagi...
I dulu...sorry le nak pakai hand bag....only jeans, snikers n t-shirt. Now, everything related to Barbie is a "must have thing". Including my very own daughter, Sofea.
Dulu2 if jadi tomboy, setakat tomboy ajela. Takda kuningnya.
Tapi tomboy2 budak sekarang lebih menjurus pada lesbianism. Kat kilang tempat Helena ni, we had to relocate the garden chairs sbb budak2 pompuan ni buat tempat beromen. Entah apa2 aje.
Barbies? Mmm.... I'm still waiting for Puteri yg 8 tahun tu outgrow her Barbies.... tapi macam lambat lagi aje.... hehe. From Barbie, they graduate to GIRLS. Selalu la we all raid kedai GIRLS kat KLCC tu.....
Budak2 sekarang kecik2 dah pandai melawa..... hehe.... mak2 pun layanla kan....
Izz, I have tagged you for a charity drive.
"By doing this meme tag you are contributing rm127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage Via Blogger Idham".
ooo .... tersend pulak.
So do visit my blog to check it out!
Hmmm... perhaps Adib is Malaysian's Peter Pan tak? Huhu... sabar aje aku.
Izz my dear, I would like to thank you for you support and doa for me and anney. I will always remember your kindness. May ALLAH bless you with love, protection, prosperity, health, wealth...all the good ones laa... amin. Mwah.
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