Saturday, May 26, 2007

School Holiday has started holiday has started , where should we go?

1st option would be..stay at home, do some gardening, try new recipes, read novels (I still got 2 more, nicely wrapped in plastic-untouched), go watch movies with the kids (Shrek 3 & Pirates of the Carribean)and window shopping. Part yang last tuh I can just forget it money...must wait for Abah to belanja ...nasib orang tak kerja...

2nd option would be..going back to Abah's hometown in Penang. But have to wait till Tuesday, then only can decide coz Abah has 2 meetings to attend on Mon & Tues. If I go back this Wed, still have to come back by Mon coz got kenduri kahwin on Tues next week.

Anyway...Izzat has tuition every Mon, Wed & kalau balik kampung ....ponteng le all tuition classes. Sofea has Mental Arithmetic every Sat and swimming every Sun...kalau balik kampung..ponteng la....and every Wed...both Izzat & Sofea got piano class...if balik kampung...must inform Cikgu to cancel class...

So, banyak rugi if balik kampung....but its school holiday U know!! how can we not go anywhere? Pity the kids. They deserve a vacation after finishing their Mid-year exam..flying colours or not, results not out yet la..

However, I have another family vacation planned for this July to Kota Kinabalu...I booked the tickets since early this year if I'm not mistaken...well..its Air Asia U know...if u wanna cheap tickets, U have to make booking months in advance! So, I can just tell the kids that our vacation is planned this July and not during this school holiday...I hope they'll understand..(I'll use this excuse if Abah decided not to balik kampung..ha..ha..ha..) But I'll still bring them somewhere near ...maybe we'll go kids been asking about it. If only they have another Book Fair. Then I can borong and make them occupied for 2 weeks. Kejam ke? And if we didn't go anywhere pun, the kids can still have fun at the swimming pool at the club everyday, if they larat la..

Whatever we decided to do for the next 2 weeks, first & foremost...must visit my beloved Mak ...dah lama tak visit since the kids preparing for their exam. Manusia yang paling aku sayang besides my kids & Abah. She is loved by everyone around her. Be it my siblings, my kids, nieces & nephews and even my ipar duai and neighbours (she used to stay with me for 5 years). Nantilah, one day I will dedicate a special posting just about Mak...I bet it'll be lengthy..

My daughter Sofea has been nagging for her that she's in the advance class, her swimming instructor had asked her to get it since 2-3 weeks ago. Until now, I haven't get for her (bila dah tak kerja nih, malas betul nak merayau...I was once Ratu Rayau during my working time...maybe I had enough of window shoppings sampai jelak nak gi shopping complex). Last weekend went to Subang Parade, but they didn't have her size. Tot of looking in One U..kat sana kan ader Speedo boutique...sian Sofea, dat day she borrowed Izzat's sampai ader blisters all over her kaki coz the size is too big, too much of movement/geseran between the empty space and her foot... sampai jalan terjengket2. Next week must go out for flippers hunting trip...

Btw, Izzat was nominated for Head Prefect post for next year, he and one more Std 5 student...cepatnyer nominate?? belum habis 1/2 year lagi. Anyway, pakcik tuh dah berangan that he's gonna get it since he has been in the 1st class since Std 2. So I took this opportunity to brainwash him by telling him dat he has to buck up in order to win the post. Better improve your result coz to be a Head Prefect, ones has to be an all As student. Its the criteria set by the Kementerian... Aku agak aje, tapi betul ke?

Like I've mentioned in my earlier posting, sometimes he gets B for BM especially and English too (occasionally). His results for both subject if dapat B pun will be in the range of 75 to 79...but still B la..So I hope, in the next 2 exams, he will excel...knowing dat getting all As will brighthen his chance to win d post...InsyaAllah.


Helena said...

Congrats to Izzat!

FYI tak ada criteria by Kementrian on Head Prefect, but ofcourse each school have their own. Yela, kena la jaga standard kan, HEad Prefect tu kan macam school rep.

My eldest dulu pun (now Form 1) was nominated as Head Girl. She got the assistant Head Girl (mmg dah predict)tapi sebab semua top post melayu (that year malays menonjol), they gave a chinese girl that position and my girl dapat Secretary. Frust jugak but I understand the school punya decision. Tapi kesian gak kat my girl.

My no2 pun std 5 this yr. Nama dia pun disebut2 as Head Girl tapi tak taula samada ada rezeki ke tak. She has it all, but since lately results dia menurun, maknanya dah ada persaingan la jugak kan. Sekarang ni, my girl is the Ketua for all std 5 prefects.

Kat sekolah mereka, their position in aliran mainkan peranan, provided that budak tu ada strong personality la kan.

For example, macam budak cina yg ambik tempat my eldest as assistant head girl tu, dia hanya in B class and zero koko, tapi disebabkan tahun tu takde budak chinese lain yg menonjol, and the school taknak ambik top 3 position semua melayu, sbb nak ada racial mix, so dapat la jugak budak cina tu, walaupun tak layak sebenarnya.

Helena said...

Welcome to the club... club untuk family yg susah nak pergi holidays sbb sayang nak ponteng tuition and classes anak2.... hehe

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Izzat.
Bottomline, the Head Prefect should be better than the rest of the prefects and the rest of us... ooooooo.

izzsofead said...

Helena-tu la, kekadang kesian pulak kat budak2 tuh, takkan cuti tak gi mana2, asyik nak belajar aje. Anyway, memang dah burned pun all the activities for last week. We just came back from Penang today then had to rush to a wedding in the neighbourhood.Nih tengah penat ni lagi..

Helena/Opah De- Tu lah, that's what I told him. At least make sure he gets all A. Then I told him, perangai pun kena jaga, tak boleh nak loklak lagi (he is a very playfull type) . He has to set good example to all the students. Then I list down all the responsibilities as Head Prefect. Terus dia senyap...agaknyer dia rasa berat juga. But I also told him, If he gets the post, I support him all the way. I told him it'll will brighthen his chance to go SBP if he score 5As in UPSR.

aNIe said...

Izz...terima kasih kerana berkunjung ke blog kak lady...

Ermmm...samalah kita ye...kalau cuti sekolah nak kemana2 kene fikir 2 kali....sebab anak2 ade tusyen...tapi kak lady yang tusyen cuma sorang aje...tapi rasa rugi jugak.

Memang cuti sekolah ni buatkan rumah kita macam tadika...heheheh